

Linked below are some video messages that effectively communicate the gospel message.  The first two are embedded; the rest you can just click on.

The Heart of the Gospel (John MacArthur, 1.5 min)

They Did Not Expect to Die That Day (Tony Miano street-preaching, 14 min)

RC Sproul Highlights the Gospel (RC Sproul, T4G 2010, 5 min)

Kirk Cameron and John MacArthur on Salvation (11 min)

Am I Really a Christian? (series):

The Gospel in 6 Minutes (John Piper, 6 min)

True Salvation through Jesus Christ (John MacArthur, 5 min)

What is the gospel? (John Piper, 1 min)

What is Salvation? (Paul Washer, 2 min)

What is True Repentance? (RC Sproul, 1.5 min)

Will My Good Deeds Save Me? (RC Sproul, 1 min)

Even the religious person needs to be born again (John Piper, 3 min)

Can You Be Assured of Heaven? (John MacArthur, 1 min)

What to say about supposed contradictions in the Bible (RC Sproul, 5 min)

How Christianity is different than other world religions (RC Sproul, 1 min)

The Need for the Gospel (John MacArthur, excellent 47-minute video message)

The Message of the Gospel (John MacArthur, excellent 48-minute video message)


Have you seen the announcement from Living Waters about their new video/DVD, called 180?  Don’t miss it!  See – where you can view it online.