
One very useful tool in evangelism is the gospel tract.

“When preaching and private talk are not available, you need to have a tract ready. Get good striking tracts, or none at all. But a touching gospel tract may be the seed of eternal life. Therefore, do not go out without your tracts.” (Charles Spurgeon – The Prince of Preachers)

Sources for good gospel tracts:

  • Gospel Tract Planet – (formerly called Custom Tract Source) – lots of good ones, including the best money tracts
  • One Million Tracts – lots of good choices, and you can purchase the Bezeugen tracts here, and also tracts by Tony
  • Seekshakers – good tracts, good prices, customizable
  • Living Waters – many good choices
  • Grace To You – their STOP (Who Do You Think I Am?) tract is excellent
  • Proclaiming the Gospel – excellent tracts, specializes in info to give to Roman Catholics
  • Perhaps the best “tract” (really a booklet) is called Ultimate Questions.  It is especially useful for family members and people you know well.  (You can find quantity discounts on some sites, but you’ll generally buy these in small quantities.)  It is simply excellent.
  • From Granted Ministries, here is an excellent gospel tract (written by Paul Washer).  Here is the text (and .pdf) on the HeartCry site, along with other good stuff.

Would you like a little incentive for giving out tracts?  And some FREE tracts to do it with?  Sign up for the Bezeugen Tract Club (click on “Enroll”), and get 30 excellent (and free) business-card-sized tracts per month.  Give away 1 a day!


Short videos on tracts:

The life of a gospel tract:

Using gospel tracts:


Some MONEY tracts are shown below.  Most of these are from Gospel Tract Planet.